I don't like bad mannered people and I don't like bad mannered drivers. And in my younger days I used to show bad mannered drivers exactly what I think about them. But now I'm a mom of two. I don't return favors to those who cut me off, don't let me merge, etc. I just keep driving, listening to Bloomberg radio.
Today shouldn't have been different. Except the passenger of a car that tried to illegally pass me on the left, as I was waiting at a traffic light, cursed me out in Russian, and I saw an ugly russian face glare at me. If I was cursed in English, I'd laugh it off and let it be. But that face and russian language...
Unfortunately, at that moment, I forgot that I'm a mom of two. I pulled up evenly to that ugly woman and told her that as a russian cannibal she should mind her own business. Cannibal's driver didn't take well to it and, to continued cursing, edged in even closer to me. Cannibal looked so enraged, for a second I thought she'd spit at me. And then the light changed and the mom of two didn't let russian cannibals pass her.
I was definitely ahead and then, I heard an unpleasant scratching noise. The cannibal was in front of my car before I got a chance to put on my blinker. This time she was cursing and yelling in Russian. And telling her husband, the driver, to call the police.
I got out of the car, trying to see if there were any pedestrian witnesses. I asked a couple of people (who happened to be Jewish) standing on the sidewalk if they saw what happened. At this point, Russian cannibal started screaming that now jews will start fabricating stories. I had a weird flashback to 6th grade where one of my Russian classmates got upset at me for some reason and started yelling 'go back to your Israel!'...
The cops didn't show up for over an hour. In the mean time, I got the chills and sat shivering in my car with the heat full blast. The cannibal woman was unpleasant and unreasonable throughout. It wasn't just her yelling, cursing, and seeing red. She was filled with so much hate that she was willing to pushing her husband whose insurance would go up, as long as I'd get punished...
Thank Gd, with help of hubby, the driver (amid cannibal calling him stupid) and I (can't even list all the names the cannibal called me) settled right before the cops arrived.
I know this accident was more their fault than mine. I wanted the police report to prove it. But sometimes it's not as important to be right as it is to be practical. Thank Gd the accident just bruised my car and my ego. And I hope and pray that I don't let myself be provoked by a cannibal again.
Invisible grief
2 days ago
Really sorry to hear about this ***ed up incident.
But this sentence makes no sense:
"In the end, with help of hubby, thank Gd, the driver (amid cannibal calling him stupid) and I (can't even list all the names I was called) right before the cops arrived. "
Right. I've been accused of being a countess of run-ons. I'm just still a bit annoyed... I tried to condense lots of emotions into a somewhat coherent post. Will try to edit.
Ahh. When I went to edit, I realized that I omitted the word 'settled' without which the whole ending, not just that sentence didn't make sense.
Thanks JDJ.
nasty story. I would have hit them back and drove off. My insurance pays well, but I dont know how much longer that will last.
Yikes. It's scary out there. There was a period of time that lasted about a month or so when
SubHub would come home EVERY night (no exaggeration) with some crazy story about people driving and him almost getting into an accident b/c someone just couldn't wait for their light, got out of parking without checking the road, etc. And some people are just plain mean.
Don't forget not stopping at a stop sign and not using turn signal.
Mike, with a warp sense of comfort I can report that their bumper got scratched, too.
Hitting and running doesn't usually work. spitting does sometimes but wouldn't have worked under the circs.
That woman and her behavior was most revolting in this whole incident...
Barb and Sub thanks for your kind words.
Moshe - I stopped caring about people not signaling and not stopping (unless that directly causes an accident). But when b*stards attempt to pass one while driving on the other side of double yellow AND cursing in their vile tongue, one's regretfully provoked.
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