February is a black history month. And on February 2, the bulletin board of the mail lobby of my work announced this fact in Bold Black Letters with some obscenely (African themed?)colored trim, and the picture of our president in the middle.
Though similar displays appear on this bulletin board every year but this year it seemed strangely disturbing and borderline offensive. I attributed this uneasy feeling to possible lack of caffeine early in the AM and went on with my business.
Around lunch time, I noticed someone standing by the bulletin board, perplexed. To make a long story short, she told me that the bulletin board reminds her of the communists countries where the leaders picture was prominently displayed everywhere.
Bingo! That's what it was- the big red bulletin board with only one picture in the center (the shot above was taken a week later and even then, there was only one non-Obama picture on the whole board). It reminded me of my childhood with pictures, statues, busts, pins, and such of 'grandpa' Lenin in every public place.
Is this what this country coming to?
So which city or state are we renaming Obamaville?
I think we need a contest. And I think Barakapolis sounds better...
The United States of Barackia
And if you live in Russia, we could get a village named Obamovka. Barakovka would be to gloomy, maybe fitting for a jail. And the state of Illionois of Hawaii could be renamed Barakovschina in our mother tongue. Ahhh, the possibilities...
But back to the topic. It is not something new really. A couple of years back I was shamed into listening to the state of the union speech (how could you NOT?), and I had to stop 10 minutes into it. Long and overly enthusiastic applause after every two sentenses, however insignificant and devoid of real meaning, just made me want to vomit. Precisely because they reminded me Communist Party Congress.
Sally and Moshe, let's hope to G-d this contest will remain stuff for jokes.
Sub, with all due respect, no president, as popular as he was, was treated like this. For Obama, it is pure cult of personality, deitifying, or idol worship - just take your pick.
Barb, just give it a few months. Most of it will go away.
The idol worshiping that I've noticed is going quite strong.
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