It's official today. 3rd anniversary of my new, most challenging and rewarding identity as a mom.
My little Eh is 3 years old. Thanks to her I appreciate so many aspects of life (including my parents) which I saw in a completely different light (and sometimes not at all) until I became a parent. I think I even understand (possibly my perceived) special place my sister (the oldest of us) has in my parents' hearts. I didn't lose my middle child complex but the resentment is gone. Each child is unique and special but only the first one changes your status:)
Two thoughts come to mind. My friend's words (which at that time I heard with scepticism and now think of with appreciation) that you don't really start living until you have kids. And, as retold by my sister, my comment , as I pointed to my very-pregnant-with-Eh stomach: 'Once this comes out, I'll never be alone'.
May Hashem give you health and happiness, my little one; you should continue to grow to be a constant source of pride and joy to us and all of the Jewish people!
Invisible grief
3 days ago
Glad the picture ratio conflict was resolved:)
Amen! Enjoy! And older systers do not have it easy for any means.
Happy birthday Eh!
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