The phrase 'insidious onset' comes to mind. Some things happen suddenly. And some take such a long time to happen that one can't really put a finger on the exact 'before and after'.
Well, since the events mentioned below, I just don't know what to think about my situation.
On Friday, after lighting the candles it was a bit of a nuisance saying the bracha after the candle lighting because it was obstructed by something. I managed. Immediately after lighting, I realized that my shabbat flowers are not on the dining room table. I went to the kitchen. They weren't there, either. I looked all around. Then I asked the babysitter if she knew what happened to the flowers. There was a slight pause after which she tentatively told me that they were on the piano. OH. The obstruction turned out to be a vase with my flowers...
On Sunday, I had a choice of buying The Simpsons calendar or Phrases on Aging. I won't even mention which one I bought because I know I don't have to...
In the morning, during my AM routine, I noticed a white hair on my head and instead of pulling or cutting it, I just thought "thank Gd for my hair" and continued with the routine...
Lastly, a few minutes ago I was about to inform hubby that he used my towel ( and almost walked out of the bathroom with the evidence) only to suddenly realize that it almost happened the other way around.
This prompted me to write this post and a memo to self to remove the 'aging' calendar from the car tomorrow.
Invisible grief
3 days ago
I thought you would be younger with the small children.
is that Russian?
Moshe, стареем isn't even it. One day-young. Then, boom! old.
MIM - how do small children make anybody younger? My friend, we all age with different speeds...
Barb- life is a beach... and then one drowns.
Gosh, I forgot this one:) I only remembered the one about the pigeons and the statue:)
With the fact that you had small children, I thought you would be younger. unless youre 30 something and you call that old.
I call 30 old and I'm 30 and with small children.
I am 30-something. And it's not really how old I feel but how old I act...I keep thinking I'm in my late 20s but it doesn't do anythiing to improve my memory situation...
Now I'm putting all hope into getting 8 hours of sleep every night...(so far I'm only 45 min late for bed).
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