Yesterday, there was an announcement over the loudspeaker for all the residents who choose to vote to come to the main dining room at a certain hour. In response to this announcement one of my unbiased assistant-turned-politician yelled out "Any resident who'll vote for McCain will be discharged from this facility!" I asked if he is discharging them to his house but he didn't seem to think that my joke was as funny as his. He is one of many who preach (exclusive) freedom of expression and racial equality (and hinting that anyone outside of his race is somewhat inferior).
I drove to a Jewish neighborhood to buy me some pizza for lunch. The place is a bit overpriced but I was hungry and my choices were limited. As I was waiting for my pizza and old lady ordered a cup of soup. When a small $3 cup of soup was brought to her she asked what comes with it. The worker asked the owner can she get something with her soup, i.e. pita or crackers and the owner said " give her a spoon". The lady asked for something to go with soup again, and again he offered to give her a spoon. I know the economy is shvach and the times are tough but did he really need to be so RUDE?
1 month ago