Saturday, March 21, 2009

I'll be wearing my work clothes, part 2

The other day, a nurse supervisor who typically wears street clothes (and lab coats on special occasions like visits from Dep't of Health reps) came in dressed in all-white uniform.

The natural question begged itself. So I didn't hesitate to ask if this supervisor, like most of us, neglected to do his laundry on time.

The man was much more pragmatic than that. Apparently, he had to go to court later that day. And he learned the hard way that if he showed up in court wearing his uniform, there was a possibility he'd get a chance to mention that he is a nurse. A nice nurse serving the local community. It seemed to work in his favor before and he was counting on it to work again. He just looked very funny but apparently it was worth it.

And there I thought that showing up in uniform outside of workplace was in bad taste...

Results to follow.


Barb Chansky said...

Hurray to pragmatism:)

Ookamikun said...

If he'd be really smart, he'd dress as a doctor. ;-)

Dina said...

No, because doctors are perceived as rich and snooty - nurses are, on the other hand, selfless and caring, mopping fevered brows and all that sort of thing.

Sally Hazel said...

I agree with Dina. Unless you are a doctor-without-borders or something similar and you have it tatooed somewhere, no one's going to give you a break for being a doctor.

And Dina, they aren't 'perceived as being rich and snooty', most of them are (snooty even if not rich).

Ookamikun said...

How about a priest then.

Dina said...

Nope, Moshe - in the popular consciousness, priest = pedo - unless they jury's been packed with devout Catholics, which opposing counsel will never let happen if they have any idea of what they're doing.

Ookamikun said...

A male nun. There are male nurses so the should be male nuns, no?

SubWife said...

They are called "monks".

Sally Hazel said...

Guys, I think it was just a traffic ticket...though it was fun reading your comments.

Ookamikun said...

Everybody loves firefighter...though the uniform would be kinda expensive...

SubWife said...

A monk firefighter who volunteers as a nurse in his spare time.

Ookamikun said...

Fire fighting monk sounds better.
Not only does he save your life, he saves your soul too.

Sally Hazel said...

One can't volunteer as a nurse- need a license and all...

Ookamikun said...

He has a license but prefers fighting fires.

Sally Hazel said...

He must be working in psych or school system...