Soon after we moved to the block we discovered that the middle aged couple who lived in a house not far from ours wasn't that friendly ( not the only ones, but the post is dedicated to them). They didn't really answer our greetings, and I remember hubby practicing assertiveness ( or just amusing himself) but saying "good morning" a few times until he's get an answer back.
Well, this couple moved. And into their house moved a family with a whole bunch of little kids. Those kids stare. And blatantly refuse all our attempts (mine and my kids) at friendship. The parental greetings are also scarce...
Well, yesterday I passed by a house that's rumored to be that to which the middle-aged-formerly-my-neighborly couple moved to. And to my surprise and disgust (or maybe just guilt?) I realized that I miss them.
With a regrettable delay I realized that I prefer middle aged snobs to younger (snobbish?) starers...
By the way, is starer a word?
Invisible grief
1 day ago
English is the garbage bin of language. Feel free to create words!
As for the kiddie starers, just think of them as the middle-aged family in training. :p
I totally hear u. My old neighbors were fact, one of them blogs as "Lakewood Falling Down".
The new ones? Meh. Old and unrespnsive.
i miss my former neighbors! S & Y, you cannot be replaced!
LPC- I wanted to write 'oglers' but felt it was a bit harsh for kids under 7...
JDJ-I miss my good neighbors, too. But in this case, I just want the lesser of two evils.
Subwife- neither S nor Y read this blog. Should I forward them the message?
I have horrible albanian neighbors, who have a bad taste in music.
MiM - my former and current neighbors are from 'our' community and I kind of with it's their music I'd be blogging about...
Are you sure S doesn't? Anyway, thanks for the offer, but I tell it to her every time we talk. She says she misses us too... she might just be nice though, hehe.
Did the new neighbors move from Boro Park? Sounds like they giving you The Boro Park Stare.
I'm not sure where they came from, however since they are not strictly 'chadish' they may stared @ in BP...
Hubby asked me to socialize with one of the kids today ( while she was staring @ us) and I politely declined. So he asked the kid if she likes playing with other kids, etc. We found out that this kid is 6...Yay.
uhhh...all of you prevented from me posting anonymously. Sally all my neighbors here are russian, snobby and actually have told me "thank G-d we aren't religious why would you choose this?" Do you know what I would give to have your neighbor's :)
Fav Anony...Your facebook friend who is still making a play date with you :)
FA- my house is on the market. You can check it out during or after the play date
FA- I'm SO glad you can finally comment:)
lol, actually i heard from more then just you that your area is considered snobby :). We like Marine Park, otherside of khw better. Where are you moving to?
u know what, i just realized that the cross street that i thought u lived on is just an assumption. i, in fact, have no clue where u live :-) sorry for my nonsense im tired.
Grin. I like you just the way you are, FA
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