She didn't arrive after hearing the shofar on Rosh Hashana...
She didn't arrive after fasting and praying on Yom Kippur...
She didn't arrive on either first OR second day of Sukkot...
And then, she was here on the second day of chol hamoed- bright and early, 4:15 in the morning- my brand new Baby girl:)
1 month ago
Ahh:) and I found out at 4:42 am, according to my chronometer:)
Mazal Tov!!!
BC-less than 1/2 hour delay is surely forgivable?
JDJ- Thanks!!
Mazal Tov!
4:15AM?! I hope she doesn't stick to that schedule.
mazal tov
she was worth the wait! enjoy her and have lots of nachas from her and the others!
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